Hey! Glad you’re here.

I’m Michelle, camera bug meets astrology nerd meets cat lady. I am all of these things because they all forge genuine connection and what is life without connection?

I have always been interested in photography. It all started when I got my first Barbie film camera at age 5, I took it everywhere: car shows with Dad, spending the night at my aunts house, even tried to sneak it in to school. My passion for “stopping to take a photo” meets my passion for expression somewhere in the middle and made me a photographer.

I love capturing any moment but I also love to create the moment as well. Any time I get to flex my creative eye and mind it’s a good time for me. I love shooting creative concepts the most. I feel most alive and most actualized when a vision comes together the way I’d dreamed. I hope to one day own a studio where I can bring any creative vision to life.

I feel that the moon is superior, especially in crescent shape.

I rarely ever just wear one nail polish color at a time.

I love giving pep talks.

I am an Aries sun, Leo moon and Cancer Rising.

Punny jokes are my favorite.

Coke over Pepsi.

Fall and Spring are the better of the four seasons.

I can solve 3 types of Rubik’s cubes.

I did stand up comedy once upon a time.

I have 3 cats. One boy, Luigi and two girls, Phoebe and Maisy.


I aspire to make you feel empowered, connected and inspired, both within yourself and in the world around you.